The Centrist Post is both a podcast and a YouTube Channel wherein we have expert interviews, short films and other content. We are no longer a 501c3. However our mission remains the same and our upcoming projects always could use support and funding. We plan on returning to Ukraine to do more filming.
Our general mission Truth In Journalism is to expose extremism, corruption, and misinformation that prove regressive and detrimental to society. We produce media content to promote conflict resolution, civility, civil rights, diplomacy, lawful and safe societies, and individual responsibility. We know that open source intelligence is the future of truth in journalism.
Our Stated Purpose
Research, education, and analysis to raise awareness on extremism, corruption and misinformation that prove regressive and detrimental to society including the local level. Production of media content for the public to promote conflict resolution, civility, diplomacy, lawful and safe societies, individual responsibility, and liberty.
Open-source intelligence research, network mapping and data collection.
Process: We have licensing for open-source intelligence software tools that collect and organize large amounts of data for person of interest and organization investigations. These are conducted as self-authenticating citizen research. We operate with the highest ethical standards and much of our work is confidential. Our projects are large and time consuming, often consisting of several weeks or months. In addition to our intelligence work, we also conduct on the ground research.
Projects: Our projects have included research into foreign and domestic terror organizations, groups abusing the 501c3 system, subversives to the American way of life, political subversives and violent individuals, corporate organization research, cultural research, and social media and internet data collection for persons of interest research. The products produced go to various law enforcement agencies and news platforms for publication based on the results of the intelligence collected.
Purpose: Open-source intelligence is the future and now available to private citizens. We are on the cutting edge of this new era in data collection. We can operate to assist various organizations that need our services including law enforcement and NGOs who collect and publish content on subversive groups and individuals. As journalists ourselves, we can fact check sources to authenticate evidence, and gather more evidence quickly with software tools. It enables us to put out accurate content more quickly; and also enables us to hold powers accountable for hiding truth and evidence from the public.
Goal: Truth in journalism through producing evidence, expert analysis and facts. Publishing more content on work.
Truth About Ukraine
Process: Conducting independent investigative journalism to counter the American news media misinformation and disinformation on the war in Ukraine, promote the truth about its citizens and culture, expose the purveyors of the false media and propaganda intended to mislead the public to sway support and opinion. Promote the NGOs working in Ukraine providing humanitarian aid and investigating war crimes. Attending conferences and think tank events and traveling into Ukraine for on the ground operations. Conducting video and photo journalism, production of documentaries, and article writing. Disseminating content to the public through various websites and social media platforms.
Purpose: Incredible amounts of information are generated during wartime. Keeping up with the greater geopolitical shifts, battlefield information, analysis and political events requires research into numerous trusted sources, the creation of new sources, collecting the data, analysis and production of expert level findings. Open-source intelligence provides a new frontier for all our calculations. It provides proof, and chain of custody for evidence collection. Audio and video are paramount to this process.
Goal: The days of opinion journalism must return to fact and evidence-based journalism. We are devoted to truth in journalism. Open-source intelligence evidence is the powerful answer to wholly discredit misleading, biased, and fake news. The new tools for conducting this work are available to citizens as commercial software products. Therefore, we seek to continue on this path, to educate ourselves on all the new processes and work with other top analysts in the business. Our goal is to put forth fact base evidence that is authenticated and can stand up in court.
35 years as a professional paralegal
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Research and Analysis
Audio Forensics Analyst
Research Fellow at Middle East Forum
Audio and film producer and independent journalist/write
Music Producer
Social Media: Group expert with Conservatives 4 Ukraine with Trevor Loudon, Clare Lopez, and Jeff Nyquist.
Going forward we will require funds for more travel for our investigative journalism projects in and/or about Ukraine. We are looking to acquire $50,000 in 2025 to achieve the upcoming goals for our Truth About Ukraine project including the production of a second documentary.
General expenses for ongoing operations and investigations. Any amount is welcome, and donations are tax-deductible. Our costs include yearly software and hardware purchases and upkeep including audio, video and computer expenses; travel expenses, office supplies and costs for online services, networking, publishing expenses. Our operating costs fluctuate depending on the requirements and we are a small operation. However, we can expand, by supporting other noted research analysts and journalists in our network for their operations and content that support our mission and our work. Many of these people are retired and ex federal agents and officers, noted published authors and subject matter experts who write for respected publications.
The heart and soul of open-source intelligence, and the core principle is transparency. Transparency in news and achieving the public trust can be achieved through technology. It is an exciting and critical time to be involved in this important work.​